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Ahaona-Madagascar : our policy privacy of protecting your personal data GDPR

Ahaona-Madagascar is a society under Malagasy Law.

The headquarters is in :

Ambohibao Antehiroka Antananarivo



Feel free to Join Us : 

(+261) 34 85 531 80 ou 32.48 108 33

Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The majority of our clients are European Union nationals. They contact us through our website : we collect personal data as defined by Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to processing of personal data and the free movement of such data. The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the force of law for all organizations operating in the European Union or providing services to European nationals.

What data do we collect and process ?

We collect the following data :

  1. Your email
  2. Your first and last name, included in your quote request message
  3. Your email message
  4. Your answers to our email exchanges.

We only process these data

  1. To answer you and provide you with the price information of our car rental service. They are eventually communicated to our driver-guides as part of their mission to accompany you in Madagascar.
  2. To ensure the accounting and administrative management of your file during your stay and your service.
  3. For the drafting of your rental agreement, which is sent to you on the first day of rental.
  4. We do not practice stimulus or newsletters after your car rental with our company.
  5. To relaunch our prospects who have only asked for quotes and who have not yet concluded a rental order.
  6. We keep these mails of prospects and correspondences TWO years.
  7. We keep emails from CUSTOMERS who have placed an order and have rented a car rental service, for THREE years, for the purposes of our accounting and possibly for other needs if there is a risk of litigation or litigation.

Telephone conversations and personal data

None of our phone conversations are recorded. Our technical means do not yet make it possible. Only your number is saved anonymously on the manager's mobile phone. It will be erased after TWO years maximum.

What are your rights as consumers according to the new GDPR General Personal Data Regulations ?

For information, let us recall here the new rights of the individuals, enunciated by the provisions of the GDPR :

  1. Explicit consent : by sending us your request for quotation, you explicitly agree that we collect your personal data for the sole purpose of sending you a quote corresponding to your unique request.
  2. Person Information : You are informed that your data is used solely to respond to you and to satisfy a car rental service.
  3. The right of access: according to the provisions of the GDPR, you have access to your data upon request to the manager of Ahaona-Madagascar.
  4. The right of rectification : according to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to request the rectification of your data if you consider that there is an error in their transcriptions.
  5. The right to be forgotten: according to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to ask us to erase from our computer tools your personal data at any time.
  6. The right to the portability of your own data: according to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to ask the manager to return your personal data in an electronic form, readable by digital reading means currently known.
  7. The right to oppose the processing of your data: according to the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for purposes other than the only rental service for which you have agreed to give them to us. We do not carry out any other treatment than the only action to provide you with an estimate, a contract during your performance.
  8. Opposition to the implementation of automated decisions such as profiling: Ahaona-Madagascar does not perform any profiling process.

What are our legal obligations to comply with the GDPR ?

These obligations apply to any organization or company that collects personal data from EU nationals, even if the organization is located outside the European Economic Area.

We are located in Madagascar, but the majority of our customers are European Union citizens. We are therefore required to comply with the provisions of the GDPR, namely :

  1. The obligation called "accountability" : all our employees are made aware of the protection of your personal data. We give priority to means for the protection and integrity of your data at all levels and permanently.
  2. The principle of Privacy by design : we have taken care to provide from the beginning of the collection of your information on our website to collect only the information that we need for your rental quote request and delivery.
  3. The obligation to keep a register of processing of personal data: we do not deal with data on a large scale nor recurrently. Keeping a treatment register is not necessary at our level.
  4. The obligation to give top priority to data security : we make every effort to safeguard the data in our possession : backup computer system, regular backup of the phone book that receives your calls, protection of accounting documents during the legal retention period of THREE years.
  5. The Obligation to report data leaks to the Protection Authority. In case of data breach, unavailability, or breach of their integrity, we are obliged to inform the Protection Authority and yourself within 72 hours.
  6. The Obligation to carry out an impact study PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment) : we are not concerned by this provision. However, we remain vigilant in preserving your rights and freedoms as individuals.
  7. The Obligation to respect the principle of limiting the collection of data only necessary for our purpose of car rental and drafting of your lease.
  8. The Obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer within the Office : DPO Data Protect Officer. At our level, we are not concerned by this provision.
  9. The obligation to strengthen data protection for all our partners. We give it our full attention and our priority.
  10. The obligation to keep the data: the correspondence data are kept TWO years, the accounting data THREE years. Beyond THREE years, there is no possibility of claiming them for possible contentious claims. In our car rental business, by default, litigation is settled during the service or in the following weeks. The regulations being due before the start of the service, litigation is limited.

What about cookies from our website ?

By default, our website, powered by the JOOMLA CMS collects cookies. We do not exploit this data. We observe the statistics provided by Google analytics for the sole purpose of optimizing the positioning of our site in search engines (SEO, SERPS). No geolocation or tracking of Internet user on our site.

Data transmissions to third parties

No transmission of your personal data to known third parties. On the other hand, they are transmitted to repair companies to locate you during an accident or mechanical or major assistance involving your integrity or your life, according to the rules of use in health care.

Feel free to Join Us : 

ALASORA Antananarivo



(+261) 32.48 108 33

Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For any information or complaint about these confidentiality clauses above, please contact the editor of the 2020 confidentiality policy. You have the right to lodge any complaint with the CNIL, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
